Monday, August 10, 2009

I made a mistake!!!

I thought today we were leaving on another short trip, but it is tomorrow.
However had a great day today. First of all I went to the post office to post two parcels back home. Boy did I feel like a criminal or what but all was good in the end. Ayaka and I then went to an electrical store but could not buy anything because all had Japanese plugs. We then went shopping in a large department store. I had a wonderful time trying on clothes and also buying as well as looking at some beautiful crockery, I wish I could bring it all home.
We did not get home until 7pm - we shopped a lot, we also went to the largest 100yen shop. This has to be seen to be believed. Ayaka's mum cooked another Japanese meal for tea and it was very tasty, I am getting a little more used to the food. After tea Ayaka and I went for a walk to the DVD rental store. It was very hot, and 90mins later we returned home. I was exhausted and treated myself by having a delicious icecream. Tomorrow we leave for a next trip where I believe we drive to the place and then catch a ferry to an island.
Short blog tonight
Catch you in a couple of days time

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you are doing LOTS of shopping - and like you are again having an awesome time!!! nothing much has been happening in adelaide - after all it is only adelaide and not much ever happens here. you will have to come up for dinner when you get home and tell us all about it. enjoy the last few days and shop some more!!!
    take care.
